Monday, December 1, 2008


Hope that you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend!  

Ours was fabulous !  Busy -- but fabulous!   

I had the day off on Wednesday.  Lo and I went to see Four Christmases -- definitely a wait for DVD movie! 

Thursday, I went to Zach, Sarah & Cassidy's.   We had fun preparing dinner.  This year we decided to divide the cooking chores (I wasn't gonna complain!) an cut down on ALL of the dishes -- I mean really do we really need 2 kinds of potatoes, stuffing and bread?   Zach decided that he would prepare the bird.  Which was pretty awesome except for the fact that he doesn't cook!  He can BBQ with the best of them but hasn't really experimented in the kitchen.  Never fear -- Zach Tivo'd the Food Network program that showed how to prepare a brined turkey.  He did an incredible job. 

The Chef with his creation!  I'm trying to talk Zach into making this for Christmas Day dinner!

Dinner was awesome!   The B E S T Turkey I've ever had - even better than Gram's!  That's saying alot!  Our day was pretty low key -- it was just the four of us.  We played with Cassidy, laid on the couch, watched football and perused store ads.  LOVED it! 

Oh. . . on the way to Zach & Sarah's, I was talking to Ricky.  I heard a scream in the background, Ricky yell "OH SH?T" and the phone went dead.   Hmmm????   I waited for about 5 minutes and was deciding if I should call back or avoid tying up the phone line for fear there was the need for emergency medical vehicles.   Just then Ricky called and explained the small kitchen fire that they had.  NEVER boring at their house! ;o) 

Friday, Sarah and I decided to partake in Black Friday.  Up at 4 am and out the door by 4:30.  A stop at Starbucks and we were shopping by 5.  We didn't buy a lot but it was sure fun to be out in the 'mess'.   Friday afternoon was Sarah's "Sprinkle".   It was at a local restaurant with about 12 of Sarah's friends & family.   It was a nice afternoon. 

The Sprinkle. . . That' Lo in the right corner. On the right, Erica, Nikki, Me, Marlene. 
Across from Marlene is Priscilla, Shirley and part of Hannah.   No pictures of Evie because she was behind the camera. 

Ingela & Sarah

Saturday and Sunday I spent yarning.  I'm trying to make as many scarves as I can for Project 23.   

During all of this -- where was my NEW camera?  Sitting on my desk at home!   Sarah did take pic's but their computer monitor broke so it'll be a few days before I can post some photos. 

Hope that you are all well.  


1 comment:

landonsmommy said...

Hi Sis! Sitting at my desk crying. When did everyone grow up? I missed so much. Your family is so beautiful. Yeah God! Busy as usual, work is good. George and Landon are amazing! Had a meeting at the hospital yesterday and our boy is getting beter and stronger everyday. They say it's me and Georgie, we love him and he knows it already. I think I'll start a blog when he comes home. Love ya tons and can't wait to see on Sunday.