Friday, December 12, 2008

My Silly Daughter

Here's a funny story about my sweet and silly daughter.  Those of you that are checking in on my blog know that Sarah is due to have a baby within the next couple of weeks.    

Yesterday, she had an Dr's appointment - dermatologist not obstetrician.   She literally begged either Zach or I to go as she was having a procedure that she was a little fearful of.  Unfortunately for her, we both work.   Well,  as God would have it -- my meeting ran a little late and I was near her Dr's office at 1:45.  Once I arrive, I realized how scared Sarah really was about attending this appointment alone (w/Cassidy).    She looked a little pale and her palms were really sweaty.  Now, remember, we are at a Dermatologist's office.  Seriously, what could happen?  

Seems like we wait forever. . finally the Dr. arrives.  He explains the procedure.  I can see that Sarah is beyond petrified.   She is a little pale and sweaty.   The Dr. talks Sarah through the procedure.  At this point, I'm really concerned -- she is now sheet white -- even her lips were white!   The Dr.  freaks a little -- calls in a nurse -- jokes with Sarah that he hasn't delivered a baby in 15 years.   The nurse lays Sarah down, puts a cold towel on her forehead - did I mention that at this point Sarah was crying?  After about 5 minutes, some juice and some soothing talk from her Momma, she began to get some of her color back.  Within another few minutes, she was good as new! 

The procedure? Sarah had a wart frozen off of her thumb!  Bless my sweet girl's heart!   She is able to laugh at the whole event today but yesterday was a different story.   

SOOOO lucky to be your mom, my sweet girl. 

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