Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Have to admit I 'stole' this from someone else. . . 

What are your Christmas preferences?

Gift wrap or gift bags? I start out with gift wrap and then usually switch to bags when I'm tired of wrapping.
Real or artificial tree? Real!  I really do want to get one of those pre-lit fake trees - it would be SO easy!
When do you put up the tree? The last couple of years, I put it up the first week of December - However, by Christmas eve, it's deader than a door nail!  Last year the kids didn't want to turn the lights on for fear of starting a fire. 
When do you take down the tree? New Year's Day.  It's the way my Gram taught me.
Do you like eggnog? Ewww.... No!
Favorite gift? Lauren, Braydon, Cassidy and Baby Gavin.
Hardest/easiest person to buy for? Without question, Zach.
Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, it's one of my favorite Christmas decorations.  My (ex) mother-in-law gave it to me nearly 25 years ago.  
Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Don't always get around to cards but if I do, it's by mail.
Favorite Christmas Movie? Toss up between It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas.
When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually mid-December.  Tried something new this year and started the first of November -- I'm just about done and REALLY like shopping early!
Favorite things to eat during the holidays? 
Favorite Christmas Songs or Carols? O Little Town of Bethlehem and White Christmas -- OH and the Bruce Springsteen Christmas Song. 
Angel or star on top of your tree? Star
Open gifts Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? When the kids were little, one gift on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas morning. 
Most annoying thing about the holiday season? Crabby people.
Favorite ornament theme/color? LOVE the ornaments that kids made as they were growing up.  
Favorite Christmas Dinner? Not sure I have one.  We don't typically do a big Christmas Day dinner.  Christmas Eve, we switch it up.  I think this year we're going to do Mexican food.
What do you want for Christmas? It would be really nice to have a new grand baby by Christmas.  A nice day with my kids is always my favorite gift!

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