Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve!

This Christmas Eve we started early -- about 3:30.   Lauren was singing at the 7:00 candlelight service so we had to eat, open and load cars by 6:30 -- that's not a lot of time! 

As always, we had a great time.  We had mexican food this year -- enchiladas, tamales, rice, beans and appetizers.  We were all kinda full after the appetizers -- so there were lots of left overs. 

We should have also enjoyed a fabulous mexican green chile corn bread.   I made it from scratch.  However, I forgot that it was in the oven and didn't find it till I got home on Saturday.  Fortunately, Sarah & Evie remembered to turn off the oven (I always forget).   It was still burnt to a crisp and VERY hard!  Oh well!

Braydon, Lo, Evie & Rick
Cassidy in her Dora outfit
Braydon & Ricky

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