Saturday, December 6, 2008

Soccer and Labor?

It's been an interesting day! 

Sarah called this morning -- said she didn't feel well and that she 'thought' she was in labor.  She decided that since Zach was working, she and Cassidy would come spend the day with me!  

We went to Lauren's Soccer tournament.  This was her first game back after about a month.  She was sidelined by her Dr. for some problems she was having with her achilles tendon.  She looked good on the field and was certainly happy to be back! 

Have I mentioned that Lauren is a pretty darn good soccer player? We're all very proud of her!

Braydon was playing shy.  He wanted nothing to do with the camera
As you can tell by this photo, Sarah is not a happy camper today.  I think, actually, I know she is VERY ready for Gavin to make his appearance. 
Here's our soccer girl -- Lolo!
Look at how long her legs are! She can run SOOOO fast!  

After the game. 
Her team won 3 - 1. This age group is when they start getting aggressive.  Today was a VERY aggressive day.  Lo and the girl she was defending got into a tussle or two.  

Lauren and her adoring fans! 
Go, Lolo, Go! 

Cassidy loves her Lolo. 
I think by the look on Lo's face - the feeling is mutual. 

After the game, Sarah, Cassidy and I went to Target for about an hour.  Sarah needed to pick up some last minute items -- just in case she was really in labor.   

After sitting around my house for a few more hours her labor pains were still only about 6 minutes apart.  She started out this morning at about 9 minutes apart.   She decided the best thing was to go home.   I guess we'll see what the evening brings.  I, for one, hope it brings us a bouncing baby boy.   


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