Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hey All! 

Today was a very exciting day for our family.  My daughter in law, Evelyn was confirmed into our church (St. Johns Lutheran Church) this morning.  Such a blessing!  Evie attended a 10 week bible study.  It was so exciting to see her learn about and explore her faith.  Ricky, Braydon, Lauren, Sarah and I as well as Evie's mom, sister and niece attended the church service.  It was a great day!  Here are a few pictures from the day. . . 

What a beautiful family!  Rick, Braydon, Evie & Lauren.  
Braydon's fun meter was pegged - he was ready to go home!

Almost caught Braydon.  Just got a new camera.
 I think I need one with a quicker shutter speed. 

Lo, Rick & Braydon

My beautiful girl, Lo!

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