Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm going to work on getting into the Christmas Spirit today!   Lauren and I are going to hang garland and lights around the front porch and hopefully get some of the inside of the house decorated.   Scroll down. . . I've added a few pics from Thanksgiving. 

Christmas Tree @ Downtown Disney

Last night, Zach, Sarah, Cassidy and I went to Downtown Disney to show Cassidy the lights.  Also, we had hoped on getting a photo for their Christmas card.   Well,  Miss Cassidy had other ideas.  She wanted to do everything but get her picture taken.  Every time we'd take the camera out, she'd say, "No, no cheese!".   

Here are a few pics. . . 

Don't know if this is going to make the Christmas Card.  But at least Cass was looking at the camera! 
Zach & Cassidy disappeared for awhile.  We found them dancing to the music of one of the street musicians! 

There is no doubt that Cassidy loves her Daddy! 

Had to show you Cassidy's "No, no cheese" face.  This was taken at church last Sunday.  
Cassidy went to her first big girl Sunday School Class.  

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