Friday, February 27, 2009

For Today. . .

Friday, February 27, 2009 

Outside My Window...

A beautiful Spring morning.

 I am thinking…

Of the million things I’d like to get done today.

 From the learning rooms...

Taking my first test tomorrow. Wish me luck!

 I am thankful for...

Morning time.

 I am praying for...

Shirley and Arianna

 From the kitchen...

Oatmeal and apples. YUMMMMY!

 I am wearing...

Sweats, what else?

 I am creating...

I am getting close to picking a sewing project.

 I am going...

To pick up my sweet grandbabies this afternoon. 

I am reading...

Not reading anything exciting – only textbooks.

 I am hoping...

For a beautiful day!

 I am hearing...

The hum of the dryer.

 Around the house...

A load of laundry and tidy up the rest of the house.

 One of my favorite things...

Reading a good book.  It’s even better if I’m sitting on a beach.

 A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Babysitting Cassidy & Gavin on Saturday, “watching” the race on Saturday night.  Church and breakfast with the kids on Sunday morning.

 Here is a picture thought I'm sharing:

A beautiful home on my walking route.  They have a fabulous garden.

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