Monday, February 23, 2009


Sarah went back to work last week so that means that I "GET" the kids on Saturday mornings. I feel especially blessed that I get to see my grandkids on a very regular basis.  Lauren comes to my house most days after school.  I see Cassidy and Gavin once or twice a week.  I don't get to see Braydon as often as I would like.  

I actually went out on Friday afternoon to pick Cassidy and Gavin up from the sitter.   I thought I'd get there about 4:30.   With 91 traffic -- I actually arrived after 5.   Loaded up the kids -- I actually have my very own car seats now.   I laugh at that fact that at 48 I have two car seats --- when my kids were little I don't think we owned a real car seat.  We had one of those plastic baby carriers that we used for everything -- car seat, nap time, high chair.  

We had a great evening -- nice dinner followed by a tea party.  

I'm not exactly sure how Sarah stands upright during the day.  That house NEVER rests!   When I'm there, I try to take both baby monitors so she can get some rest.   WOW!   Sarah fed Gavin at 10 pm,  I fed him at  3 am and 6 am.   Cassidy woke me up at 1:30 and 4:30 -- she was crying.  Nothing that I needed to get up for - she cries and talks in her sleep.   So, if you do the math -- not much sleeping going on. 

My daughter is a super woman -- two kids, a job, a husband that works and travels a ton and she always has a clean house, a hot meal and baked goodies.   She's my hero that's for sure. 

Saturday morning was really fun -- went by super fast.   Before we knew it Mommy was home.  We went to Tom's Farm for the afternoon. Cassidy and Sarah rode the Merry-go-Round, We all went on the train and Cassidy went on a real horse  - all by herself!  

Handsome boy

I think the blue eyes are keepers!

How sweet is this goat?  Cassidy was a little skittish.  She thought it was cute but 
was not interested in getting too close. 

Big girl riding a REAL horse.  


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