Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For Today. . .


Outside My Window.... a beautiful morning

I am thinking... about what I'm giving up for Lent

I am thankful for... coffee

From the learning rooms... getting ready for my first quiz - Intro to Human Services

From the kitchen... a warm bowl of oatmeal

I am wearing... sweats

I am creating... a clean/organized desk

I am going... to lunch with Sarah & the kids

I am reading... Human Services: Concepts and Intervention Strategies

I am hoping... for a productive day

I am hearing... the parrots in my tree

Around the house...a mess!  I really need to get organized. 

One of my favorite things... morning smell 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:  Continue to clean/organize, attend Lent Service on Wednesday night and do my best to be productive.

Here is picture I am sharing...
So Cal mountains

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