Monday, February 2, 2009

Our NorCal Family

Our NorCal Family, the Ott's came for the weekend!   They came down to celebrate Kylie's 13th birthday at Disney.   They had reservations Fri-Sun at The Grand Californian so I got to have them on Thursday night.  Even though they only live a about 6 hours away, we only see them once or twice a year.   The very cool part is that when we do meet up -- it seems like we just saw each other last week.  I love that!   

It was a little surreal when they arrived on Thursday night.   As the girls (Kylie and Megan) got out of the car,  I had a bit of a deja vu moment.   The girls look exactly like Kim (their mom) and Melissa (their aunt) when they were 12 & 13.   A little freaky for sure!  

Anyway, while their visit was short -- it was great to see them all! 

Kylie (the Birthday Girl) and Gavin

Megan and Gavin

Megan has the most vivacious personality that I have EVER seen in an 11 year old!

This is Taylor, Kylie's friend.   Very sweet girl -- Cassidy fell in love with her. 
Ky -- how beautiful is she? 

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