Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lenten Season

Ahhhh..... this is my favorite time of the year!   I love Christmastime too -- but, there is just something about Lent.   The hope and renewal that I feel during this time literally brings me to tears.  

Today is the first day of Lent.  This is such an incredible time of the year for Christians.  Tonight, Rick, Ev, Lo and Braydon came over for dinner before we headed to church.  It was a great time -- We had tacos, rice & beans.  Not sure that's much of a traditional Lent dinner.   Anyway, had a nice dinner and headed off to church to get our ashes.   

During this time Lutheran's promise to give up something during the 40 days of Lent as a way to be mindful of Christ's love and sacrifice.   Sooo. . . .  what do I give up has been the looming question for days!  Forty days can be a long time!  In the past, I've given up sugar, diet coke, fast food.   Since, I went on my fast last year -- I rarely eat sugar or fast food or drink diet coke -- so, those aren't  big enough sacrifices for me.  

After much pondering, I've decided instead of giving up something, I'm going to DO SOMETHING instead.   The last few months, I've been in a bit of a funk.   I feel lazy and lethargic - I procrastinate about everything!  I need to get back on my Merry-go-round.  I live life much better when the Merry-go-round is spinning.  I'm going to start off on a slow speed though. 

So. . . what am I going to do, you ask?  I'm going to take care of me!  I'm going to do the things that I know make a better me so that I can be a better disciple of God's love.  I'm going to do them on a daily basis.  I'm going to get rid of some old ways of thinking.    

For starters. . . 

I am going to delve into my bible and learn! 

I am going to journal 

I am going to walk!  

I am going to wash my face EVERY night! 

I am going to eat  3 meals - no snacks. 

I know that these 'little' things make me a better me.  If I'm a better me, I can share my love of life and the joy that Jesus brings me to others! 

Be blessed, my friends. 


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