Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello Everyone!  

It's been over a week since I've updated my blog!  Time flies!   

Not too much goin' on here. . .  I just got my final book in the mail for my class -- so I will be diving into that tonight.  I'm excited and scared.   

The last couple of days I've been working on my devotion for my Leadership Bible Study at church this coming Monday night.  I've been SUPER stressed about it!   I'm so intimidated by so many of the gals in my class -- College Professors, Business Owners, holders of Masters Degrees and a couple of therapists! 

Anyway,  my devotion is to be on Spiritual/Spirituality.  I think I've pretty much got a handle on it now.  I'm using Act 9 -- Saul's conversion to Paul as my example of a spiritual experience.  I'd say Paul's conversion was pretty dramatic, huh?  Wish me luck. 

Grandkids are all doing well. . . Lauren is finished with Soccer All Stars and had a great time at her Valentine's Dance, Braydon continues to be a "little boy".  His latest trick is opening the toothpaste tube and squirting the toothpaste-- everywhere!  Cassidy is talking, talking, talking -- she now calls me on the phone everyday.   Gavin is gaining weight like a mad man.    Grown up kids are all doing well, too!

10 things you probably didn’t know about me

1.   I LOVE Christmas movies!  I have 32 of them Tivo’d

2.   I have REALLY ugly toes. They run in my family

3.   Can’t eat beans or bananas!  YUK!!!

4.   My maiden name was Gross – yes, GROSS!

5.   I’m a procrastinator – uhhh... you probably knew that!

6.   GOT to have coffee in the morning with real cream

7.   I’ve been to 35 states and 4 countries

8.   I’ve hiked atop a glacier in Alaska

9.   I HATE cats!

10. I long to be creative . . .

Wishing you all a very blessed day. 

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