Monday, February 2, 2009

All Star Soccer

Whew!  What a day!   I haven't had butterflies in my stomach like I did on Saturday morning in a REALLY long time!   I think the parents made me nervous -- those All Star parents mean serious business!   It actually was a little scary how serious they were --- at one point a father (grown man, mind you) threw him self on the ground when they missed a goal.   

I was a good Grammie and didn't say a word -- although I'm sure my tongue was a little bloody! 

Our Lo did a great job.  Have I mentioned how proud I am of her???  She's so fast on that soccer field.   She's got quick feet too!  

The OJSC 12 year old girls had two games on Saturday.   They lost one and won one.   Next weekend, more soccer! 

Braydon taking a picture of Grammie

Ricky & Braydon

Braydon & Evie 

Taking the field - Lo's #3


Half -time

Lo in action

Ashleigh, Hailey & Lo!

Crazy Girls!

Good game, girls!

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