Friday, February 27, 2009

For Today. . .

Friday, February 27, 2009 

Outside My Window...

A beautiful Spring morning.

 I am thinking…

Of the million things I’d like to get done today.

 From the learning rooms...

Taking my first test tomorrow. Wish me luck!

 I am thankful for...

Morning time.

 I am praying for...

Shirley and Arianna

 From the kitchen...

Oatmeal and apples. YUMMMMY!

 I am wearing...

Sweats, what else?

 I am creating...

I am getting close to picking a sewing project.

 I am going...

To pick up my sweet grandbabies this afternoon. 

I am reading...

Not reading anything exciting – only textbooks.

 I am hoping...

For a beautiful day!

 I am hearing...

The hum of the dryer.

 Around the house...

A load of laundry and tidy up the rest of the house.

 One of my favorite things...

Reading a good book.  It’s even better if I’m sitting on a beach.

 A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Babysitting Cassidy & Gavin on Saturday, “watching” the race on Saturday night.  Church and breakfast with the kids on Sunday morning.

 Here is a picture thought I'm sharing:

A beautiful home on my walking route.  They have a fabulous garden.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Morning Walk

Here are a few photos from my walk this morning. . . 

Flowers are blooming! 

Beautiful color.

I am so lucky that part of my walk takes me right past my church.   
I absolutely love the feeling that I get just walking by -- peace, love -- just that feeling of 'ahhh' 

A cool thing they have in my town is the "Happy Birthday" sign that each house gets when it turns 100.   My house is 102 years old.  I love that, don't you? 

Have a fabulous day! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lenten Season

Ahhhh..... this is my favorite time of the year!   I love Christmastime too -- but, there is just something about Lent.   The hope and renewal that I feel during this time literally brings me to tears.  

Today is the first day of Lent.  This is such an incredible time of the year for Christians.  Tonight, Rick, Ev, Lo and Braydon came over for dinner before we headed to church.  It was a great time -- We had tacos, rice & beans.  Not sure that's much of a traditional Lent dinner.   Anyway, had a nice dinner and headed off to church to get our ashes.   

During this time Lutheran's promise to give up something during the 40 days of Lent as a way to be mindful of Christ's love and sacrifice.   Sooo. . . .  what do I give up has been the looming question for days!  Forty days can be a long time!  In the past, I've given up sugar, diet coke, fast food.   Since, I went on my fast last year -- I rarely eat sugar or fast food or drink diet coke -- so, those aren't  big enough sacrifices for me.  

After much pondering, I've decided instead of giving up something, I'm going to DO SOMETHING instead.   The last few months, I've been in a bit of a funk.   I feel lazy and lethargic - I procrastinate about everything!  I need to get back on my Merry-go-round.  I live life much better when the Merry-go-round is spinning.  I'm going to start off on a slow speed though. 

So. . . what am I going to do, you ask?  I'm going to take care of me!  I'm going to do the things that I know make a better me so that I can be a better disciple of God's love.  I'm going to do them on a daily basis.  I'm going to get rid of some old ways of thinking.    

For starters. . . 

I am going to delve into my bible and learn! 

I am going to journal 

I am going to walk!  

I am going to wash my face EVERY night! 

I am going to eat  3 meals - no snacks. 

I know that these 'little' things make me a better me.  If I'm a better me, I can share my love of life and the joy that Jesus brings me to others! 

Be blessed, my friends. 


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

For Today. . .


Outside My Window.... a beautiful morning

I am thinking... about what I'm giving up for Lent

I am thankful for... coffee

From the learning rooms... getting ready for my first quiz - Intro to Human Services

From the kitchen... a warm bowl of oatmeal

I am wearing... sweats

I am creating... a clean/organized desk

I am going... to lunch with Sarah & the kids

I am reading... Human Services: Concepts and Intervention Strategies

I am hoping... for a productive day

I am hearing... the parrots in my tree

Around the house...a mess!  I really need to get organized. 

One of my favorite things... morning smell 

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:  Continue to clean/organize, attend Lent Service on Wednesday night and do my best to be productive.

Here is picture I am sharing...
So Cal mountains

Monday, February 23, 2009


Sarah went back to work last week so that means that I "GET" the kids on Saturday mornings. I feel especially blessed that I get to see my grandkids on a very regular basis.  Lauren comes to my house most days after school.  I see Cassidy and Gavin once or twice a week.  I don't get to see Braydon as often as I would like.  

I actually went out on Friday afternoon to pick Cassidy and Gavin up from the sitter.   I thought I'd get there about 4:30.   With 91 traffic -- I actually arrived after 5.   Loaded up the kids -- I actually have my very own car seats now.   I laugh at that fact that at 48 I have two car seats --- when my kids were little I don't think we owned a real car seat.  We had one of those plastic baby carriers that we used for everything -- car seat, nap time, high chair.  

We had a great evening -- nice dinner followed by a tea party.  

I'm not exactly sure how Sarah stands upright during the day.  That house NEVER rests!   When I'm there, I try to take both baby monitors so she can get some rest.   WOW!   Sarah fed Gavin at 10 pm,  I fed him at  3 am and 6 am.   Cassidy woke me up at 1:30 and 4:30 -- she was crying.  Nothing that I needed to get up for - she cries and talks in her sleep.   So, if you do the math -- not much sleeping going on. 

My daughter is a super woman -- two kids, a job, a husband that works and travels a ton and she always has a clean house, a hot meal and baked goodies.   She's my hero that's for sure. 

Saturday morning was really fun -- went by super fast.   Before we knew it Mommy was home.  We went to Tom's Farm for the afternoon. Cassidy and Sarah rode the Merry-go-Round, We all went on the train and Cassidy went on a real horse  - all by herself!  

Handsome boy

I think the blue eyes are keepers!

How sweet is this goat?  Cassidy was a little skittish.  She thought it was cute but 
was not interested in getting too close. 

Big girl riding a REAL horse.  


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello Everyone!  

It's been over a week since I've updated my blog!  Time flies!   

Not too much goin' on here. . .  I just got my final book in the mail for my class -- so I will be diving into that tonight.  I'm excited and scared.   

The last couple of days I've been working on my devotion for my Leadership Bible Study at church this coming Monday night.  I've been SUPER stressed about it!   I'm so intimidated by so many of the gals in my class -- College Professors, Business Owners, holders of Masters Degrees and a couple of therapists! 

Anyway,  my devotion is to be on Spiritual/Spirituality.  I think I've pretty much got a handle on it now.  I'm using Act 9 -- Saul's conversion to Paul as my example of a spiritual experience.  I'd say Paul's conversion was pretty dramatic, huh?  Wish me luck. 

Grandkids are all doing well. . . Lauren is finished with Soccer All Stars and had a great time at her Valentine's Dance, Braydon continues to be a "little boy".  His latest trick is opening the toothpaste tube and squirting the toothpaste-- everywhere!  Cassidy is talking, talking, talking -- she now calls me on the phone everyday.   Gavin is gaining weight like a mad man.    Grown up kids are all doing well, too!

10 things you probably didn’t know about me

1.   I LOVE Christmas movies!  I have 32 of them Tivo’d

2.   I have REALLY ugly toes. They run in my family

3.   Can’t eat beans or bananas!  YUK!!!

4.   My maiden name was Gross – yes, GROSS!

5.   I’m a procrastinator – uhhh... you probably knew that!

6.   GOT to have coffee in the morning with real cream

7.   I’ve been to 35 states and 4 countries

8.   I’ve hiked atop a glacier in Alaska

9.   I HATE cats!

10. I long to be creative . . .

Wishing you all a very blessed day. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


After several years of contemplating, researching, checking out websites, procrastinating,  talking to my incredible friend, Shirley -- who has tried everything in the book to get me to go to school - I got a big 'ol loving shove from my dear friends Sara and Chris and am now an official COLLEGE STUDENT!!!!  OK, so it's just a local community college and I'm only taking one course (3 units) and it's an on-line course -- BUT. . . I did it!  I actually registered, selected a class and purchased books (I'm on a roll!) 

I'm super excited and can't wait to receive my books so I can get started.  

Thanks everyone for not giving up on me!  

Monday, February 2, 2009

All Star Soccer

Whew!  What a day!   I haven't had butterflies in my stomach like I did on Saturday morning in a REALLY long time!   I think the parents made me nervous -- those All Star parents mean serious business!   It actually was a little scary how serious they were --- at one point a father (grown man, mind you) threw him self on the ground when they missed a goal.   

I was a good Grammie and didn't say a word -- although I'm sure my tongue was a little bloody! 

Our Lo did a great job.  Have I mentioned how proud I am of her???  She's so fast on that soccer field.   She's got quick feet too!  

The OJSC 12 year old girls had two games on Saturday.   They lost one and won one.   Next weekend, more soccer! 

Braydon taking a picture of Grammie

Ricky & Braydon

Braydon & Evie 

Taking the field - Lo's #3


Half -time

Lo in action

Ashleigh, Hailey & Lo!

Crazy Girls!

Good game, girls!

Our NorCal Family

Our NorCal Family, the Ott's came for the weekend!   They came down to celebrate Kylie's 13th birthday at Disney.   They had reservations Fri-Sun at The Grand Californian so I got to have them on Thursday night.  Even though they only live a about 6 hours away, we only see them once or twice a year.   The very cool part is that when we do meet up -- it seems like we just saw each other last week.  I love that!   

It was a little surreal when they arrived on Thursday night.   As the girls (Kylie and Megan) got out of the car,  I had a bit of a deja vu moment.   The girls look exactly like Kim (their mom) and Melissa (their aunt) when they were 12 & 13.   A little freaky for sure!  

Anyway, while their visit was short -- it was great to see them all! 

Kylie (the Birthday Girl) and Gavin

Megan and Gavin

Megan has the most vivacious personality that I have EVER seen in an 11 year old!

This is Taylor, Kylie's friend.   Very sweet girl -- Cassidy fell in love with her. 
Ky -- how beautiful is she?