Wednesday, June 30, 2010

For Today. . .

Outside My Window...

June Gloom - I love it!

I am thinking…

mini-vacation next week!

From the learning rooms...

Searching for an on-line photo class. I think I'm ready!

I am thankful for...

Morning time

I am praying for...

Family & Friends and praise for my many blessings!

From the kitchen...

Oatmeal and blueberries. YUMMMMY!

I am wearing...

Sweats, what else?

I am creating...

a mess!

I am going...

to Barnes & Noble today!

I am reading...

Just finished reading "The Help". Excellent book!

I am hoping...

some answers

I am hearing...

Regis & Kelly

Around the house...

Bathroom scrubbin' day

One of my favorite things...

Reading a good book. It’s even better if I’m sitting on a beach.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Looking forward to the long weekend, helping Rick & Ev move, vacation the following weekend -- Mammoth here we come!

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