Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MAY - Part One

OH MY GOSH. . . The last month has been sooo busy! A good busy though!

Mother's Day weekend. I spent mother-ing -- well, grand-mothering! Zach was in Vegas for a race. Sarah worked Saturday and then flew to Vegas to join Zach for the year end Supercross banquet. It was a great weekend for Zach's team. They finished 1st through 4th, it was a great way to top off an awesome season. The Pro Circuit team won both 250 Championships this year!

Sarah & Zach got to spend some much needed time alone in Vegas -- having a great time, floating at the MGM pool and a fun night at the Hard Rock.

I probably had more fun! Cassidy and Gavin were an absolute blast! I wasn't sure that I could actually pull off 3 days by myself! Piece of cake! OK, maybe not piece of cake but it was easier than I thought. Both kids were absolute angels the whole weekend. I even ventured out of the house a couple of times. On Sunday, we went over to Tom's Farm to ride the train and the carousal. We also watched the magic show and had lunch. Loads of fun!

I had every intention of making hand print plaques for Sarah for Mother's Day. After my third attempt, I gave up. I couldn't get the plaster of paris to set right - argh! I didn't take many pictures over the weekend -- was a little busy!

click on the photos to enlarge. . .

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