Friday, June 4, 2010

May - Part Two

The weekend after Mother's Day, I took a much needed solo voyage. I took a drive up North to watch my Cousin's (OK, she's not really "my" cousin - but I got her in the divorce) grand daughter be confirmed in the Catholic church. I left Saturday am bright and early. The plan was to take my time - drive up the coast and then over to just outside of Stockton.

Friday night I had a call from Cassidy. She invited me to her tea party on Saturday morning and asked if I could bring the donuts -- "the small ones -- chocolate and sprinkles, please'. Who could say no to that? A quick pit stop at Zach & Sarah's proved to be just what I needed as I somehow picked up a nail in my tire. We had a quick tea party and then the entire family fixed my car. Cassidy is never far from Zach's side. To say she is a Daddy's girl is an understatement, for sure!

Assessing the situation

Isn't he delicious ?

Always next to her dad

Gavin's more interested in finishing his doughnut!

Instead of leaving at 8, I was on the road by 10. Hit traffic through LA -- once I was on PCH in Pacific Palisades, it was heaven. I could smell and see the ocean. So healing for me! The drive was awesome. Had a great drive, listened to a book on tape (CD) and had an absolutely divine time!

Sunday was the confirmation. The church service was ONE HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES! Up, down, up, down! I thought we Lutheran's were up & down a lot. Catholics have us covered! It was so nice to visit with my family. Love them all sooo much! And don't get to see them nearly enough.

Here are some photos. . .

Kylee & Kim

Melissa & Aunt Deannie


Aunt Deannie & Lynn

John, Meg, Ky & Kim

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hi Sharon! Of course I remember you!! I am so impressed with Gigi Hill! I want every piece they have! I am having a party in July, and can't wait to add to my pieces!!!
: ) Kris