Monday, June 28, 2010

Cincuenta, Padesat, Halvtreds. . .

Cinquanta, Funfzig, Femtio, Otven and Cincizeci de ani all mean the same thing. Any guesses??? FIFTY! 50! FIVE-ZERO! On June 5th, I officially joined Club 50!

Leading up to the 'big day' I was pretty much a mess. I was not looking forward to being 50 AT ALL! I'd start every day thinking, "it's only a number, I'm blessed, I've got a good life, I'm happy & healthy" and by noon my thoughts were heading towards, "it's all down hill, I'm heading into the final chapter (I have a theory that life is broken down into thirds - 1 - 25, 25-50 and 50 - the end), etc, etc.

Fortunately for me, I have an awesome daughter and some very loving friends.

Unbeknownst to me. . . there was some plannin' goin' on!

On Thursday (6/3), Sarah called and said that she was going to take the kids to the sitter on Friday so that we could spend the day together . . . mani/pedi's, lunch and shopping. I was sooo looking forward to spending the day with her. We don't get to spend much time by ourselves.

Friday morning, I hear some commotion at my door -- I'm thinking Sarah's got her hands full or something. As I open the door there stands -- Franny!

This is Franny.

Franny is the daughter of my dear friends Helen & Bevo -- they live in Pennsylvania! As I was lovin' on Franny -- I looked up and out of Sarah's car popped Helen, Shirley (my sweet friend from Colorado) and Jamie (my dear friend from San Jacinto), Sarah & Cassidy.

My head was spinning. . . I couldn't really grasp what was going on. Shirley was supposed to be visiting next weekend. I was SOOO confused!

After hugs & kisses and Cassidy yelling, 'we tricked you'. . . we all came in the house (which by the way was a complete disaster area) and my sweet friends informed me that we were going to Santa Barbara for the weekend!

Our hotel, Casa Del Mar was awesome! Great place -- rooms were big and clean. Staff was friendly. Close to the beach and State St.

Friday. . . Surprise! Drive to Santa Barbara w/small detour in Hollywood, Shop State St., late lunch, shop some more, TURBO SCRABBLE, lots of laughing, sleep.

Saturday. . . coffee, lots of talking, search for Oprah in Montecito, great brunch, shopping at really expensive stores, beach, Elvis, birthday dinner at great restaurant, more turbo scrabble, more laughter, sleep.

Sunday. . . coffee, more talking, packing, drive to OC, drop Jamie off, drive to Corona via Kimmy's (for Shirley) and In N Out (for Helen) and a quick stop in an antique store, family birthday party, fun, laughter, joy, family, love, back to the OC, my cup runneth over, sleep.

Monday. . . DISNEYLAND w/ Cassidy, Sarah, Helen & Franny! so much fun.

Tuesday. . . Drop Helen & Franny at the airport ;( , back to my 'normal' life.

I had a fabulous 4 days. God has put some incredibly wonderful people in my path -- I am blessed.
Shirley enjoying the warm sand.

** having MAJOR problems with blogger and uploading photos. Will try to upload more photos in the morning**

1 comment:

Kris said...

See, it didn't hurt now did it? I recently turned 50 too. Didn't bother me a bit!!! Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a wonderful celebration!!