Friday, July 2, 2010

My Lo. . .

My beautiful grand daughter Lauren (Lo) is 13. She's an awesome young girl. Loves Soccer, her friends and is a fabulous big sister to Braydon. She's an amazing artist and enjoys reading.

Lucky for me, I get to see Lo frequently. She was over one day last week -- we had some errands to run, went to lunch and then she was going to get ready for SNL (youth group at our church) at my house.

She was gettin' a bit gussied up for church -- so I asked if Brady (her 7th grade crush) was going to be there. You got it! She was gussin' up for Brady!

At Christmastime, I bought myself a Nikon D3000. I've not really had the time to play with it much and have decided that this summer my goal is to learn more about my camera.

So. . . I used Lo for my 'subject'. She was over her modeling duties in about 15 seconds.

Here's my beautiful gal. . .

"Really, Grammie? More pictures?"
(straight out of the camera)

"Grammie, I'm over this"
(filtered black & white)

I think I asked her a question about Brady on this shot.

Model shot.
(focal B & W)

Beautiful Girl
(filter b/w & film grain)

Photo's were edited in Picasa 3.

I'm not so sure about this whole photo editing deal. I'm certainly flying by the seat of my pants. I'd really like to take a photo course this summer and then maybe an editing class in the fall.



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