Monday, July 5, 2010

Princess Breakfast

I got a call from Sarah a couple of Monday's ago -- she said that she'd made a breakfast reservation at Ariel's Grotto for 3 to meet the Disney Princesses- I was included in that 3! Yippeeee!!!
For my birthday, the kids got me a Disneyland Pass -- I've already used my pass 4 times and I know Sarah & Cassidy have used theirs at least twice as many times! We all love it!
Cassidy, of course L O V E S all things Disney --- especially the Princesses! Sarah had a not so fun experience a few weeks ago. Apparently, the Princesses no longer roam the park as they once did. There is a place near It's A Small World (you're gonna be signing that darn song all day now!), where you can stand in line (for hours) to see 4 Princesses -- you don't know which 4 but there are 4. Sarah was not in to standing in line for 1 1/2 hours to see 4 Princesses. S0. . . the breakfast deal seemed much better!
AND it was.
Not sure who had more fun.
Cassidy getting to meet the Princesses.
Sarah watching Cassidy meet the Princesses
or Me -- Watching Sarah be a Mommy to a sweet girl that loves Princesses!
Breakfast was served family style. . . This was our breakfast appetizer. It also came with eggs, french toast, bacon, sausage and potatoes. The food was actually really good and the portions were large. Enough leftovers for Sarah & Cass to snack on during the day.

Sarah & Cass looking at the Princesses coming into the room.

Cassidy telling Sleeping "Booty", "You're my favorite Princess". I thought Sarah was going to cry. It was pretty cute!

Cassidy talking to Sleeping Beauty

Not really so interested in Snow White.

After breakfast, we went on the big Ferris Wheel and then I had to head back to work. Sarah and Cassidy met up with some friends and spent the rest of the day at the park.
I sometime forget how lucky I am to live in So Cal. It's nice to be able to skip out on work for a couple of hours to go to Disneyland to hangout with your daughter & granddaughter.
xo xo xo
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