Friday, July 16, 2010

Mammoth 2010


We missed our trip to Mammoth last year and were excited that things worked out this year that we could go up for a few days. Unfortunately, Ricky, Ev, Lo & Braydon needed to stay at home this trip. Ricky had a big job he was working on and they had just moved so Ev was busy getting this un-packed.

The kids traveled really well! We made one stop in Bishop for some lunch. Zach also wanted to stop at the local fishing stores to see if he could find a book about local fishing that had been recommended to him. We also had to stop for the world's best beef jerky!

The weather was beautiful -- high 70's low 80's the entire trip.

One little glitch -- a quick trip to the ER first thing Saturday am for Gavin. He fell victim to Pink Eye! The kids were in/out in less than an hour. Mammoth ER not too busy in the summer time, I guess.

Swimming, fishing, hiking, eating, resting, playing = a great vacation!

There's a pretty girl in there somewhere.

Cassidy learning to cast. Gavin trying to pick up on some of Dad's tips!

Sleepy heads.

My blue-eyed girls!

The White Family -- still can only get 2 out of the 4 to look at me.

On the way to the lake

View from our fishin' spot.

Cass ready for the big fish.

We found a great park near the Gull Lake (i think) Marina. We had
a picnic lunch, let the kids play, went for a walk to the Marina -- nice afternoon!

Having fun

Zach & Gavin

The waterfall near Rush Creek was HUGE this year.

Cassidy throwing a snowball at me!

LOVE this photos of Cassidy. She had SO much fun throwing snowballs!

Cassidy's first snowman.

Cassidy would make a snowbal and tell Zach to turn around -- get a foot from him
and huck the snowball. She's sooo sneaky!

We drove past the ski lifts to a look-out area. So beautiful!
(Gav was snoozing)

Hiding from Mommy.

Stunning! Cass, Zach & I hiked up to this stream just past Rock Creek Lake.
We were actually heading to a small lake but Zach & I realized there were very serious
fisherman there. Not a good place to bring a 3 year old that talks non-stop!

Checkin' it out.

The family fishing at Rush Creek

Our fisher girl.

Zach 'un-sticking' his lure.

Gav. . . done for the day!

We left Mammoth fishless. . . To say Zach & Cass were bummed would be an understatement. A friend of ours had also been in Mammoth at the same time suggested we stop at the "Sandtraps near Manzanar". Boy are we glad we did! We were onl

Cassidy watching Zach bring in the first fish. Cassidy was very excited that
Daddy caught her a 'purple one' aka rainbow trout.

Sarah trying to help Zach "bring in" the 2nd fish.
Not too successful.

Sarah after getting too close to the fish. Wimp!

The End!

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