Wednesday, June 30, 2010

For Today. . .

Outside My Window...

June Gloom - I love it!

I am thinking…

mini-vacation next week!

From the learning rooms...

Searching for an on-line photo class. I think I'm ready!

I am thankful for...

Morning time

I am praying for...

Family & Friends and praise for my many blessings!

From the kitchen...

Oatmeal and blueberries. YUMMMMY!

I am wearing...

Sweats, what else?

I am creating...

a mess!

I am going...

to Barnes & Noble today!

I am reading...

Just finished reading "The Help". Excellent book!

I am hoping...

some answers

I am hearing...

Regis & Kelly

Around the house...

Bathroom scrubbin' day

One of my favorite things...

Reading a good book. It’s even better if I’m sitting on a beach.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:

Looking forward to the long weekend, helping Rick & Ev move, vacation the following weekend -- Mammoth here we come!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cincuenta, Padesat, Halvtreds. . .

Cinquanta, Funfzig, Femtio, Otven and Cincizeci de ani all mean the same thing. Any guesses??? FIFTY! 50! FIVE-ZERO! On June 5th, I officially joined Club 50!

Leading up to the 'big day' I was pretty much a mess. I was not looking forward to being 50 AT ALL! I'd start every day thinking, "it's only a number, I'm blessed, I've got a good life, I'm happy & healthy" and by noon my thoughts were heading towards, "it's all down hill, I'm heading into the final chapter (I have a theory that life is broken down into thirds - 1 - 25, 25-50 and 50 - the end), etc, etc.

Fortunately for me, I have an awesome daughter and some very loving friends.

Unbeknownst to me. . . there was some plannin' goin' on!

On Thursday (6/3), Sarah called and said that she was going to take the kids to the sitter on Friday so that we could spend the day together . . . mani/pedi's, lunch and shopping. I was sooo looking forward to spending the day with her. We don't get to spend much time by ourselves.

Friday morning, I hear some commotion at my door -- I'm thinking Sarah's got her hands full or something. As I open the door there stands -- Franny!

This is Franny.

Franny is the daughter of my dear friends Helen & Bevo -- they live in Pennsylvania! As I was lovin' on Franny -- I looked up and out of Sarah's car popped Helen, Shirley (my sweet friend from Colorado) and Jamie (my dear friend from San Jacinto), Sarah & Cassidy.

My head was spinning. . . I couldn't really grasp what was going on. Shirley was supposed to be visiting next weekend. I was SOOO confused!

After hugs & kisses and Cassidy yelling, 'we tricked you'. . . we all came in the house (which by the way was a complete disaster area) and my sweet friends informed me that we were going to Santa Barbara for the weekend!

Our hotel, Casa Del Mar was awesome! Great place -- rooms were big and clean. Staff was friendly. Close to the beach and State St.

Friday. . . Surprise! Drive to Santa Barbara w/small detour in Hollywood, Shop State St., late lunch, shop some more, TURBO SCRABBLE, lots of laughing, sleep.

Saturday. . . coffee, lots of talking, search for Oprah in Montecito, great brunch, shopping at really expensive stores, beach, Elvis, birthday dinner at great restaurant, more turbo scrabble, more laughter, sleep.

Sunday. . . coffee, more talking, packing, drive to OC, drop Jamie off, drive to Corona via Kimmy's (for Shirley) and In N Out (for Helen) and a quick stop in an antique store, family birthday party, fun, laughter, joy, family, love, back to the OC, my cup runneth over, sleep.

Monday. . . DISNEYLAND w/ Cassidy, Sarah, Helen & Franny! so much fun.

Tuesday. . . Drop Helen & Franny at the airport ;( , back to my 'normal' life.

I had a fabulous 4 days. God has put some incredibly wonderful people in my path -- I am blessed.
Shirley enjoying the warm sand.

** having MAJOR problems with blogger and uploading photos. Will try to upload more photos in the morning**

Friday, June 4, 2010

May - Part Two

The weekend after Mother's Day, I took a much needed solo voyage. I took a drive up North to watch my Cousin's (OK, she's not really "my" cousin - but I got her in the divorce) grand daughter be confirmed in the Catholic church. I left Saturday am bright and early. The plan was to take my time - drive up the coast and then over to just outside of Stockton.

Friday night I had a call from Cassidy. She invited me to her tea party on Saturday morning and asked if I could bring the donuts -- "the small ones -- chocolate and sprinkles, please'. Who could say no to that? A quick pit stop at Zach & Sarah's proved to be just what I needed as I somehow picked up a nail in my tire. We had a quick tea party and then the entire family fixed my car. Cassidy is never far from Zach's side. To say she is a Daddy's girl is an understatement, for sure!

Assessing the situation

Isn't he delicious ?

Always next to her dad

Gavin's more interested in finishing his doughnut!

Instead of leaving at 8, I was on the road by 10. Hit traffic through LA -- once I was on PCH in Pacific Palisades, it was heaven. I could smell and see the ocean. So healing for me! The drive was awesome. Had a great drive, listened to a book on tape (CD) and had an absolutely divine time!

Sunday was the confirmation. The church service was ONE HOUR AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES! Up, down, up, down! I thought we Lutheran's were up & down a lot. Catholics have us covered! It was so nice to visit with my family. Love them all sooo much! And don't get to see them nearly enough.

Here are some photos. . .

Kylee & Kim

Melissa & Aunt Deannie


Aunt Deannie & Lynn

John, Meg, Ky & Kim

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MAY - Part One

OH MY GOSH. . . The last month has been sooo busy! A good busy though!

Mother's Day weekend. I spent mother-ing -- well, grand-mothering! Zach was in Vegas for a race. Sarah worked Saturday and then flew to Vegas to join Zach for the year end Supercross banquet. It was a great weekend for Zach's team. They finished 1st through 4th, it was a great way to top off an awesome season. The Pro Circuit team won both 250 Championships this year!

Sarah & Zach got to spend some much needed time alone in Vegas -- having a great time, floating at the MGM pool and a fun night at the Hard Rock.

I probably had more fun! Cassidy and Gavin were an absolute blast! I wasn't sure that I could actually pull off 3 days by myself! Piece of cake! OK, maybe not piece of cake but it was easier than I thought. Both kids were absolute angels the whole weekend. I even ventured out of the house a couple of times. On Sunday, we went over to Tom's Farm to ride the train and the carousal. We also watched the magic show and had lunch. Loads of fun!

I had every intention of making hand print plaques for Sarah for Mother's Day. After my third attempt, I gave up. I couldn't get the plaster of paris to set right - argh! I didn't take many pictures over the weekend -- was a little busy!

click on the photos to enlarge. . .