Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sunday Funday!

What a great Sunday we had! (This was supposed to be posted on 9/22 -- oops!)

We had been planning a family BBQ at Rick & Ev's for the last couple of weeks - the guest of honor was my brother, Kevin.   Kevin has not seen the kids for some time as his life was a little crazy.   He's working hard to get things going in the right direction and wanted to see the kids. 

As with most things in our family that are planned, everything got switched up at the last minute.  Unfortunately, Zach was sick and Sarah had to work.   

We missed them but had a GREAT time!  Zach met me half way with Cassidy and then we headed over to pick up Kevin.  Cassidy met Kevin about a month ago and is absolutely in L.O.V.E. with him.    All she talks about his her Uncle Evan (Kevin).

We spent the afternoon swimming, catching up, playing turbo scrabble and eating!  Ricky is a master BBQ'er!  He can whip up an awesome meal.   Tri Tip, Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Jalapeno poppers, Mushrooms/Onions --  Yummy.   

Braydon.  So handsome!   
I think he's come up with a new name for me. 
Mimi!  So, I am now called Grammie, Bammie and Mimi.  
I am blessed!

Kevin throwing Cassidy to the clouds

Ricky & Lo


Kevin & Lo.   Lo had only met Kevin one other time. 
By the end of the afternoon, it was like she had known him her whole life. 
So sweet! 

The sequence below of Braydon & Cassidy cracks me up.  I couldn't for the life of me 
get them to both look at the camera at the same time.   

OK. . . I know I'm the Grammie, Bammie, Mimi. . . which does make me a tad partial. 
But my grandbabies are so darn cute, I can hardly stand it!

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