Monday, September 21, 2009

Cassidy's First Day of School

Cassidy's first day of school was a few weeks ago.   It was a momentous occasion to say the least. 

Cassidy has been telling Sarah and Zach that she no longer wanted to go to Miss Fareeda's  -- she wanted to go to school!   Sarah thought she would wait until Cass's 3rd birthday to start in her school but it was very obvious that she needed to move up her start date. 

When Cassidy went to visit her school, Crossroads Christian in Corona and meet her teacher, Miss Robin.   She was very upset and cried.   She was upset because she wanted to go to her 'other' school.  Her big school.  Her Johns school.   She thought she was going to go to St. John's to go to school.  How darn sweet is that! 

Following are a few photos of the Cass & family. 

The White Family on Cassidy's first day of Pre-School.  Notice Zach's grumpy face. For some reason, he couldn't understand why Bammie had to take a zillion pictures.  
He'll learn, someday!

Daddy & Cassidy walking to class.

How cute!   Backpack is as big as she is! 

Cassidy and her best friend, Tommy.

Cassidy's Classroom.

1 comment:

Genn said...

She's adorable!

I love preschool! :)