Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pool Fun!

Impromptu BBQ at Ricky & Ev's over Labor Day weekend (I know I'm late -- better late than never, right?).  No photos of Zach - he was in Pennsylvania at his last race. 

Life is grand when you've got all of your treasures in one spot! 


That smile . . . it melts my heart!

I love Braydon's face in this photo (click to enlarge). 
Could he be any cuter?  This is one of my favorite photos.

Lookin' at his hands underwater.  Too cute!

How cute is Ev?  

Sarah and Gavin. 
My girl, Lo.  Saying, "Grammie, enough with the camera, OK?"

Kissin' cousins.

Ricky & Ev

Be blessed, my friends! 

1 comment:

Genn said...

Looks like a fun holiday spent with family!