Friday, September 11, 2009

I've become my Gramma!

When I was growing up, my Gram (who raised us) was an absolute fanatic about my brother's Little League baseball teams, games, picnics, uniforms, dinners, scorekeeping -- you name it -- she did it and was happy about it.  She was the first to get game/practice and the last to leave.    Not only did she do this for my brothers, Kevin and Robbie -- but the few years that Ricky played Little League -- my Gram was at every game proudly displaying her photo buttons!  

I've not resorted to photo buttons or some of the other extremes.  But I did purchase the ultimate soccer chair and the cutest little soft-sided, rolling ice chest.   I will tell you one thing -- You won't find a prouder Grammie sitting on the sidelines of the Orange Premier Pirates Club Soccer Team.   

I've posted about Lo and Soccer before so -- I won't go in to how fast she is, how she can control the ball so well, is a great team player -- oooops!  I'll stop now. 

Here are a few pictures from a recent Tournament.  The pirates took first place in the weekend long Toyota of Orange Soccer Tournament.   

Lo accepting her award at the Toyota of Orange Soccer Tournament

The Pirates!
Lo is in the back row -- third Pirate from the left.

This purchase put me into my Gramma's league as a freakzoid grandparent!  
Yes,  I actually sit in this chair (notice my new big girl purse!). 
 Love. this. chair.  
 It is a far cry from the aluminum/web beach chair my Gram had!

Blurry, I know.  But love the photo.  This is a prime example, why I should bite the bullet and buy that darn D60!

Blurvision by Grammie!  
 These photos were taken at another Tournament (they were practicing) in Huntington Beach.   


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