Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter with the kids

Rick, Ev, Lo & Braydon came over for dinner before the Easter Vigil service.   We had a great dinner of ham, potatoes, cinnamon apples, deviled eggs, asparagus, broccoli and rolls.  YUM!! 

After dinner, Evie walked Braydon down to the fire station.  That was the highlight of his night -- seeing the fire trucks.  Ev said the fireman were super nice and welcomed their visit anytime. 

The Easter Bunny stopped by early and brought Lo, Braydon, Ricky & Ev. Easter baskets.   OK, for those of you reading this.  At what age do you stop giving Easter baskets to your kids?  My kids are 32 and 28 and still get Easter baskets.  Each year they tell me to stop.  But, I just can't bring myself to do it! 

I am a VERY bad Grammie as I was so busy putting dinner together, eating and then rushing off to church that I forgot to get the camera!  So, no pictures.  

After Church on Sunday morning,  Zach, Sarah and the kids came for Brunch.   We had Paula Deen's baked french toast (SOOOO GOOD!), ham and strawberries.   We did have appetizers of deviled eggs and asparagus/havarti toasts before hand -- the french toast takes about an hour and we were starved!

Cassidy found her Easter basket and had fun seeing what the Easter Bunny left her.  Sarah put together an Easter egg hunt for her.  Photos are at Sarah's Blog.

The kids ended up staying until almost 6:00!  Long enough for everyone to take a nap! 

Zach & Gavin -- Nap #1

Cassidy after her egg hunt, riding her bike, blowing bubbles, coloring, 
riding her bike some more and eating chocolate. 

Gavin and Mommy getting ready for a nap.

Zach - Nap #2

The White Family

Zach likes to call him Uncle Fester.  


1 comment:

Genn said...

Hi Sharon! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. Sometimes I can't get over how much Claire looks like Hannah did a a baby. It's crazy how that happens.

Love the pics on your blog too. Your grandkiddos are ALL so darling! And I love that picture of you on the side of your blog!