Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Time Flies. . .

I don't know what happened!  How did three weeks go by with out one single post.   Sarah has been NAGGING me to blog -- so here goes. . .  

Let's see,  I guess the biggest event that's happened since I last blogged was my weekend with Cassidy & Gavin.  Sarah went to Toronto with Zach.   It was a great race for her to attend.  Zach's team was their 24th championship!  24!  WOW!!!   She also got another stamp in her passport --which is super cool. 

So. . . the weekend actually was a little easier than I anticipated.  I only broke a sweat about 30 times throughout the weekend.  Not bad, huh? 

Sweet baby Gavin

Cassidy in Gavin's crib pretending to be asleep. She fooled me!

My sweet man.  Gavin is by far the happiest baby I've ever met. 

My biggest challenge was getting both kids dressed, fed, bag packed, car loaded and be out the door by 8:45 am on Saturday morning!   Lo had a Soccer game in OC.  I did pretty well -- I was on the road by 8:55!   We arrived at the game -- Bammie and her double stroller aka: BUS! 

Cassidy, Ricky, Braydon, Evie and Gavin

The kids were great.   Braydon enjoyed seeing Cassidy.  He gave her the sweetest hug and kiss.  Of course, I didn't get it on my camera.   Uncle Rick (aka Bubba) took the Braydon and Cassidy to the playground at halftime.  Is that what they call it in Soccer?   Anyway,  they had a great time until Rick put Cass on his lap in the swing.  Seems Braydon didn't like sharing his daddy.  Too cute! 

Lo did great in her game.  Her team won.  She's on a 13 year old team this year (she's 12).  They are playing 1 and 2 age groups above theirs to be ready for the Club season.   Some of those girls are tough - and I mean TOUGH!  They shove and push and grunt!  It's kinda crazy! 

After the game, Bammie loaded up the kids, the BUS, the bag and headed back to Corona.   Cassidy talked the ENTIRE way back.   She's much like her mother in that respect!  She kept telling me to "go faster'.  Obviously, her parents haven't taught her about "the 91". 

The rest of Saturday was filled with learning how to make mud pies, watering the garden and riding the "Dora board". 

"you wanna drink, Bammie?"

Muddy hands.  

4 pm Saturday -- Cassidy was done!

Sunday morning was when the drama began.  I thought I lost Callie.   Callie is Sarah's first daughter -- A Jack Russell mix.  Sunday morning, I picked the house up and tried to at least get it back to the way Sarah had left it.  I took Cass and Gavin out to the front porch for a little fresh air and mud pies.   

Callie Louise White

As we were coming back in,  I left the door open for just a minute.  I didn't see Callie go out the door but couldn't find her in the house.  At this point I am in full panic mode.  I throw the kids in the car and cruise the neighborhood for 30 minutes looking for Callie.  Even Cass was in the back seat yelling "Callie, where are you?" in a very sing-songy tone.   

I can't find Callie.  How and the heck am I going to tell Sarah that I've lost Callie.  I'm in tears at this point.   Take the kids back in the house -- I'm pacing back and forth and then it pops into my head -- Sarah told me once that she couldn't find Callie -- and finally found her underneath their bed.  Guess where Callie was?  Yep!  under the bed.  Whew!  

"Callie, Where are you?"

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