Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter is my MOST favorite time of the year.  I love the freshness, rebirth and renewal that the season brings.   

I totally LOVE the way our church celebrates Easter.  During Lent we have Wednesday evening services with a great dinner before hand.  The kids and I went to many of the services and had dinner before hand.  Two things we learned.  1.  Don't be fashionably late -- the food will be gone - Lutherans LOVE to eat!  2.  The men's group definitely need a little help from the women!  

Here's how we celebrated Easter week. 

This past Thursday, Evie and I went to the Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) service.  It was awesome to hear again the story of the last supper.  I left with a somewhat heavy heart -- knowing that Friday was the day the Jesus died on the cross to give us eternal life. 

Good Friday.  It's always been a tradition for me to go to church at noon on Good Friday.  So, that's what I did this year.  HOWEVER, I am going to re-think that tradition next year.  Evie went to the evening service on Friday and said that she could totally feel the Holy Spirit.  I'm all about that!  

About 5 years ago, St. John's started an Easter Vigil Service.   Rick, Evie and I went on Saturday.  Lauren's Sanctus choir sang.  This service starts in the front of the church - which is pretty cool.   There is a small fire (in a fire ring) outside the church from which the Paschal candle is lit.  As the congregation enters the church, we light our candles and enter the darkened church.   This year they had the Sanctus choir in the balcony singing a cappella as we entered the church.   It sounded like angels.   Brought tears to my eyes.  

The remainder of the service is great bible stories and after each story and song the lights are turned up a little more.  Until the end of the service.  When Pastor Tim declares, "He is Risen" and we, the congregation with joy filled hearts exclaim, "He is Risen, Indeed!"

Sunday morning we all agreed to meet for the 9:30 service.  Which is when we typically go.   OH MY!  The church was overflowing (Praise God!) We didn't get to sit together.  Braydon was in the Nursery.  Lo went to Sunday School. Rick and Ev squished into a pew in the front.  Zach, Gavin and I sat in chairs in the very back of the church - which was actually perfect.  There were people standing 2 - 3 deep in the narthex of the church.  Pretty cool!   Where was Sarah?  She dropped Cassidy off at Sunday School and realized that the there was one teacher and about 20 kids.   Sarah stayed with Miss Brooke and helped teach 2 year old Sunday School.   

My heart is full today.   Knowing that my Lord and Savior died to save me.   Thank you, Jesus, for everlasting life. 

May the spirit of the season of renewal and rebirth fill you with love, hope and promise. 



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