Monday, May 18, 2009

A Trip to Pennsylvania

At the end of April I visited my dear, dear friends Helen, Bevo and their kids.  The purpose of my visit was to watch their sweet Frannie perform in her school musical.  Frannie had solo and duet parts in "Schoolhouse Rock".   Super cute musical.  I was still singing "The Great American Melting Pot" and "I'm just a Bill" for weeks afterwards.

Helen and Bevo live in a very different world that we do in So Cal.  I've said a million times -- that if I could just get one set of kids to move -- I'd be gone in an instant!  I absolutely love where they live.  A small town (Elysburg) in Central PA.  Absolutely charming.  

As always, the Forti family made me feel at home from the  minute I got out of the car.   I love that about my friends!  For me, going to their home is what I think it would feel like if I went home to my Mom's.  It's comfortable, it's warm, it's loving and it's crazy!  It's really just perfect! 

So much went on that weekend. . . Soccer game, visit to the mennonite market, took a cruise around their 'hood, evening play, dinner at Matucci's after the play (yum!!), mass on Sunday am, social at Holy Rosary for the First Communion families, Vinny and I went to Walmart for flowers, picked up Zia and went to the Sunday afternoon performance, went for a short Sunday drive (boy, did I love that), a sunday afternoon ice cream cone, finally back to the house and we ALL collapsed!  

Here are some photos from my trip. . . 

Vinny & Frannie

Franny & Angelica
Franny has the voice of an angel.  Franny Forti -- doesn't that sound like a celeb name?

Frannie & girls

Handsome Vinny.  Vin handled the sound for the musical.  
He had quite an assortment of young ladies hanging around him. 

Franny, a girl with many talents. 


Vinny, Franny and Ang

Franny and Zia (95 years young!) 

I'm going back for another visit the middle of June and can't wait! 

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