Monday, March 16, 2009

All About Lo!

It's been forever since I last posted.  I had a bout with some bronchial thing and was down and out for about a week.  I'm back almost good as new! 

Just before I got sick, I went to Grandparents Day at Lauren's School.  I've been very lucky to have been invited every year since she was in Kindergarten.   It's a fun day and the kids really love to have their grandparents at school.   Lo's in middle school now -- where oh where did the time go?  

Here are a few pictures from Grandparents day. . . .

A middle schooler -- YIKES!  Where did the time go??  

Indian Girl

This past Saturday was one of Lo's first games with her new team -- the Pirates.  It looks like it's going to be a fun season! 

Lo and Ashleigh having fun!

Lo in action.  Too bad Grammie's not a better photographer!

More blurry action. 

Lots more going on will update again soon. 

Be Blessed! 


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