Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Dinner

What an awesome night!  

All of the kids, minus Zach (he had to work) came over this evening.  After a few minutes of playing, we headed over to church for dinner.   Dinner started at 5:30 -- we got there about 6:00.  We have learned not to be fashionably late to a church dinner!   Next week we'll be there at 5:30 -- for sure! 

I'm feeling so incredibly blessed this evening.  

Following are LOTS of photos -- I couldn't decide which ones to post so I posted them all! 


My Girls!

Sugar and Spice.

Say cheese!
Playing puzzles.  Lo is so good with Cassidy.

Pretty girls.

Sweet Braydon.  That smile melts me.

Lo, Cassidy and Sarah

Cassidy giving her brother "kissies"

I think Gavin's gonna be a momma's boy.

Lo and Evie

Ev & Ricky

The kids after dinner -- playing 'cars'

The Crew

My cup runneth over! 

1 comment:

Cassidy Jane said...

Super cute post!! I can't wait till next week!!!