Monday, March 16, 2009

All About Lo!

It's been forever since I last posted.  I had a bout with some bronchial thing and was down and out for about a week.  I'm back almost good as new! 

Just before I got sick, I went to Grandparents Day at Lauren's School.  I've been very lucky to have been invited every year since she was in Kindergarten.   It's a fun day and the kids really love to have their grandparents at school.   Lo's in middle school now -- where oh where did the time go?  

Here are a few pictures from Grandparents day. . . .

A middle schooler -- YIKES!  Where did the time go??  

Indian Girl

This past Saturday was one of Lo's first games with her new team -- the Pirates.  It looks like it's going to be a fun season! 

Lo and Ashleigh having fun!

Lo in action.  Too bad Grammie's not a better photographer!

More blurry action. 

Lots more going on will update again soon. 

Be Blessed! 


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Dinner

What an awesome night!  

All of the kids, minus Zach (he had to work) came over this evening.  After a few minutes of playing, we headed over to church for dinner.   Dinner started at 5:30 -- we got there about 6:00.  We have learned not to be fashionably late to a church dinner!   Next week we'll be there at 5:30 -- for sure! 

I'm feeling so incredibly blessed this evening.  

Following are LOTS of photos -- I couldn't decide which ones to post so I posted them all! 


My Girls!

Sugar and Spice.

Say cheese!
Playing puzzles.  Lo is so good with Cassidy.

Pretty girls.

Sweet Braydon.  That smile melts me.

Lo, Cassidy and Sarah

Cassidy giving her brother "kissies"

I think Gavin's gonna be a momma's boy.

Lo and Evie

Ev & Ricky

The kids after dinner -- playing 'cars'

The Crew

My cup runneth over! 

Spring is here!

L O V E Spring!   I love the changes in weather (yes, even in So Cal), the smell of the morning and the bonus is that it's Lent season as well.   I love the freshness and renewal that this season brings.  

Here's a photo I took yesterday at on my walk.   Lovely, don't you think? 

Busy week so far.   Monday was my last Leadership Study at church.  WOW!  That was the fastest six months of my life.  As many of you know, the beginning was a bit rocky for me.  In the end,  I learned quite a bit about being a servant leader and feel honored and blessed to have been selected to attend.  

Tuesday evening was great.  Lo came and spent the night with me.  It was a great evening filled with a nice talk, hot chocolate and American Idol.    

Tonight is the Wednesday night service at church.  The kids (Rick, Ev, Lo & Braydon) and I are going to go early for the Lenten dinner.  Should be fun.  

Stay tuned!