Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday Morning

Zach, Sarah & the kids spent the night on Saturday night after the race.  Our plan was to get up and go to church on Sunday morning.  Well, that didn't work out.  Fortunately, Gavin slept well and late.  Cassidy slept with Bammie and we stayed in my room  - making a tent and playing with a flashlight until 8:30 when Gavin woke up again.   

Gavin's starting to 'fill out' a little.  He's pretty darn cute!

Cassidy giving her Mommy "the look". 

Cassidy & Daddy saying "CHEESE!"

Saturday morning I made a "make ahead" breakfast casserole.  So, I threw that in the oven, made some coffee and we were good to go.   

The one thing that neither Zach, Sarah or I can figure out is why we are SO TIRED the day after a race.  It's not like we feel like we've really done anything more than we normally do  - with the exception of staying up a little later than normal. 

I personally did not leave my house all day on Sunday and even managed to squeeze in a good 2 hour nap!  What a bum! 

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