Monday, January 19, 2009

Holy Cow!  I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since my last post!  I realized today that I don't have to have photos to jot down a few lines about what's going on in my world. 

Have lots to catch up on! 

The last two weekend's Lauren's soccer team has been in the Commissioner's Cup Soccer Tournament.  All of the first place teams in each city's league play against each other.  On Saturday, Lo's team was in the quarter-finals (I think).   They lost 1 - 0.  Lo was really upset that the team did not advance.  I must say that I think we were all a little surprised by her reaction. 

I do want to point out that last weekend in three games -- Lauren made 5 goals!  One of the goals was the coolest EVER!  She was at the 50 yard line (do they call it that in soccer??), booted the ball and scored!  It was unbelievable -- REALLY!   Even the referee said it was the coolest thing he'd seen.  Of course, Grammie forgot her camera that game!   Lauren had a great couple of games.  

Here are some photos from Saturday. . . 

Braydon playing with one of his cars!
Ricky consoling Lo.  Bless her little heart!

Momma can always make it better!

Saturday was also our 3rd race of the season -- 2nd Anaheim.  Sarah decided that she was going to take the kids.  WOW!   What an excursion.  Sarah can no longer go anywhere 'quick'.  She's got a stroller that is as big as a bus, two car seats, a diaper bag as big as Montana.   

Cassidy was very excited to see the Boom-boom's (motorcycles) and HER guys (Pro Circuit race team mechanics).  She calls them "my guys".    Actually both kids did really well and Sarah ended up staying for the entire race.    

Cassidy in the Knot Hole Club.  
Where else should a gal go to watch the race?  
(I don't think my flash worked on this photo)

Robbie Maddison and his lovely wife, Amy sat at a table with us in the Knot Hole Club.   Robbie is the guy that did the 322 foot jump in Vegas on New Year's Eve.  Cassidy took a liking to Robbie and proceeded to MAKE him clap!  She'd clap and look at Robbie and say, "you clap, you clap" and wouldn't stop until he did. What a brave soul to stay at that table! 

It took Sarah a couple of hours to convince Hannah to hold Gavin.   Here's the photo . . . 

Hannah got used to Gavin in no time at all.  Look at Hannah's sweet face. She's a natural!

This is Cassidy's new friend Aiden.  They had a great time 'driving' the car.  Cassidy wanted Bammie to get in the back.  Bammie didn't get in the back ;0)

My cupcakes!  I'm helping with a shower in February and the gal that did the cupcakes for Sarah's shower is swamped and wasn't able to fill my order.  So I've been practicing making cupcakes.  I made three different kinds and took to the race.  I forgot to take a photo at home -- so took one just as I was leaving the track.  I made lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting,  german chocolate with pecan/coconut frosting and apple spice (with apple chunks) with cream cheese frosting.   

For the shower, I'm thinking of making the lemon cupcakes, a vanilla cupcake with coconut cream cheese frosting and a chocolate cupcake with with raspberry filling and raspberry whip cream frosting.  Any ideas?? 

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