Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Day at the Zoo!

Sarah, Cassidy and Gavin came to the OC today.  Since it was a nice day out we decided to head over to the Santa Ana Zoo -- it's only about 5 miles from my house.  What a GREAT DAY!!! 

The Zoo was pretty cool.  Sad to say but I probably haven't been there since the kids were in grade school.   It's not a big Zoo -- but it was fun!  There were quite a few areas 'under construction' which means we'll have to go back again to see the new animals. 

Cassidy really loved the monkeys, the train and the merry-go-round.   Gavin on the other hand slept through the entire trip.  

I got so wrapped up in looking at the animals that I didn't take too many photos. 

This bird is a Red Ibis.  I thought an Ibis was a flower. 
The photo doesn't do the color of the bird justice.  
It was a very brilliant red.  Just beautiful. 
Tha Llama.
My Beautiful Girls!
This looks like an Ostrich and it could be one.  There wasn't a sign and there were all kinds of odd-named animals. 
Gavin. . . Sleepin'  what he does best.
I think he looks just like Zach (with Sarah's nose). 

Here's the train -- leaving the station. 

I was a little late hittin' the button on this photo. 

THE BUS!!!  

Cassidy waving to Bammie.  She LOVES the Merry-go-Round!


Genn said...

Hi Sharon! I just looked at your blog and realized that you post way more than Sara does! Maybe I will just have to start following yours, to keep up with Sara. =)

Great pictures. Your grandkids are adorable. We love the Santa Ana Zoo too. Hannah asks to go there all the time.

Kris said...

Hi Bammie! (Sharon)
I am so sorry I couldn't accomodate your shower sweets! I have recently taken on the full time child care of my grandson Noah, and I am trying to adjust. I had in my mind that you were needing the treats at end of March. Anyway, I hope I can be of help in the future! Love your blog!