Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving. . . . Finally

I L.O.V.E Thanksgiving! I love that in this chapter of my life it is low key. There were many, many years that I hosted Thanksgiving at my house with up to 25 people. WOW!! Lots of work, Lots of fun and Lots of blessings!

In this chapter of my life, Thanksgiving is very low key -- maybe too low key for some. I loved it! I didn't get out of my PJ's until about 1:00 pm. Cassidy never got out of her PJ's. She ate Thanksgiving dinner in her PJ's.

Last year, Zach, Sarah and I decided to pare down the amount of food that we have for dinner. It seemed a little crazy to have two kinds of potatoes, stuffing, 3 or 4 vegetables, etc, etc. for just the three of us and the kids. So, we each picked something we couldn't live without and that is how we came up with our Thanksgiving Day menu.

I also liked the new tradition of everyone making something. Zach is in charge of the bird. He brines and roasts -- so delish! Sarah helped with the prep of the turkey and made the sweet potatoes and acquired the cranberry sauce (the best ever, I might add). Cass and I made the stuffing, cream corn, rolls and desserts. Makes everything so easy and FUN!

Sarah prepping the bird.
Using the tongs to pull out the 'innards'.

After several tries. . . she got'em out!


Sarah and the bird.

Making the brine.

My helper.

Cassidy seasoning and stirring the stuffing.

Cass lookin' at the turkey.

Zach gettin' ready to roast the turkey.

I have no pictures of the table -- Sarah set a lovely Thanksgiving table -- or of the family because we never really 'dressed' for Thanksgiving this year. Sweats were the order of the day for our family.

Cassidy offered up the prayer. It was lovely. In these crazy times in which we live, it was nice to spend the day with family. . . playing, laughing and just being thankful for all of the blessings that God has given us.

Blessings to you!

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