Friday, December 11, 2009

Cassidy's Christmas Program

Last night Cassidy's 3 year old pre-school class performed at Crossroads Christian School's Christmas Program.

Leading up to the program, Cassidy practiced the song her class was to sing -- Twinkle, Twinkle Special Star constantly. She knew the words, the motions. She sang and performed it quite well -- if you ask me! She would call me on the phone and sing the song. It was beautiful!

Last night. . . not so much! Pretty sure the girl has stage fright. She did not sing a lick. Bless her sweet heart! I asked her why she didn't sing. She told me that she got shy and didn't want to sing.

OK, so she might not grow up to perform on stage. She did however tell Sarah this morning that she thought she wanted to be a "Kitchener". What's a "Kitchener" you ask? It's someone you can make (bake) well -- and Cassidy thinks she's the best maker (baker) around!

Ok. . .my photos suck. They are dark and blurry. I was trying to get Cass to at least smile while trying to snap a photo or two.

This is what she looked like for most of the evening. I absolutely LOVE that lip!

I think she was looking for her friend Tommy in this photo.

This was the biggest smile that she had while on stage.

My beautiful, Sarah!
She is an amazing mom and wife.

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