Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wedding Anniversary

Ricky called me a few weeks ago and asked if I could help him pull off a surprise for Evie on their anniversary.

His plan was to surprise her with dinner at Newport Beach. His idea was that he and Ev would be walking down the beach and there in a distance would be a table set with candles waiting for them.

My task was setting up the table, candles, food, etc. I enlisted the help of Lo. We had a great time planning and pulling off the surprise.

We headed down to Newport right after school on Friday -- car loaded with table, chairs, linens, dinnerware, goblets, candles, etc. I had planned on cooking dinner and taking with but I ran out of time. I figured since the Old Spaghetti Factory is two block from the beach that would be the solution.

Evie was surprised, Ricky was happy that Evie was surprised. Lauren got to see how nice it is to do something very simple and make someone VERY happy.

After Lo served dinner, we scooted down the boardwalk and went to Charlie's Chili for a Caesar Salad. When we returned to clear the table, the kids said they had all kinds of people stop by and wish them well.

Lo, dinner server extraordinaire.

Sunset -- so pretty.

I really, really need that new camera!
Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

Genn said...

Aww. What a sweet anniversary treat that your son planned for Evie. And how cute for Lo to be involved, and to also witness their parents having a nice anniversary celebration.

And yes, you do need that new camera! Maybe a merry Christmas to yourself gift?