Monday, October 19, 2009

Grandparents Day

Cassidy had Grandparents Day at her school last Friday!

Sarah called me while I was on my way to school to warn me that Cassidy was in a mood. We arrived at the school at the same time -- I got a big 'ol. . . BAMMMMMMMMIEEEEEEEE and a hug and a kiss. I'm not sure what Sarah was talking about -- a mood, huh?!?!? not my sweet Cassidy!

Sarah sat with me for about 15 minutes until it was time for the Grandparents to go into the room. It was so nice to chat with her without kids or telephones. Those few minutes were awesome. My daughter is a pretty incredible young woman.

Once inside the classroom, we sang songs, read books, played games and did two craft projects.

I must say that Cassidy definitely likes to talk and she is not shy! She was so sweet -- always making sure Bammie was included in everything. I got to sing the Shaky Egg, do the Dinosaur March and I even got a pumpkin sticker. I think Cass wanted to be sure that I got the full Pre School experience.

After our craft project, the kids had a snack. Miss Robyn thought that it would be a good time for the Grandparents to head towards the door. I kind of thought Cass would be a little whiny when it was time for me to go. UH, big negative. When I told her it was time for me to leave -- she said, "Thanks for coming Bammie, I'll see you later". She gave me a kiss and sent me on my merry way. I love that girl.

So proud of her craft project.
Cassidy's picture frame.

Cassidy & Ella

1 comment:

Genn said...

What fun for you to see Cass in her preschool! She is so adorable! I love her reply when you told her it was time for you to go!!!