Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Soccer Tournament

Our weekend was filled with soccer! 

Lo's team won their Division during the Spring Season.  The incredibly cool thing about the Pirates winning the U-14 Division is that they are a U-13 team!   Lo's coach and trainer believe this is the first time that a U-13 team won the U-14 Division.  Pretty cool!  Lo's got a great team of girls, an awesome trainer and a great coach.  She will be moving with the entire team into a Club League next year.  Very exciting for our girl! 

Lo is a Defender.  She's quick, she's agile and she's smooth.   She's also got some fancy footwork in stop and turning the ball.  It's poetry in motion --as they say!  Can you tell that I'm a proud Grammie?  

Anyway, Lo's team won both of their games this weekend.  Both games were awesome.  The first game was tied 3-3 and with about 20 seconds to go -- GOAL!!!  It was sweet! 

The Final was against another team from Orange.  Lo had played with most of the girls on the opposing team at one time or another.  

Lo & Braydon after the game.

2009 OJSC Pirates - U14 CHAMPS!!!

Our Soccer Star!

Evie, Lo, Ricky & Braydon

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