Monday, January 4, 2010


Resolutions? Not this year!

Every year I make a list. Sometime I even write the list on paper! This year, I've decided no list -- mental or otherwise.

I read on a friend's blog (who read on a friend's blog -- I LOVE blogging) how she is going to choose a word this year. One word. Not a phrase. Just a word. The idea is to study it, write it all over the house, and try to really focus on the meaning of the word all throughout the year. I love this idea and knew immediately what my word would be. . .


Joy . . . to rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate;a deep feeling or condition of happiness or contentment.

Somewhere along the way, I've lost my JOY. I desperately want to find it again. Joy is going to be my word, my focus, my journey.

Wishing you all a 2010 filled with Love, Health, Happiness and JOY!




Genn said...

Hi Sharon,

I am wishing you a Happy New Year, and hoping that you find your joy!

I love this idea of choosing one word.

Anonymous said...

Love your site sharron. FH

Anonymous said...

love your blog site.

Alias: FH