Monday, January 4, 2010


Resolutions? Not this year!

Every year I make a list. Sometime I even write the list on paper! This year, I've decided no list -- mental or otherwise.

I read on a friend's blog (who read on a friend's blog -- I LOVE blogging) how she is going to choose a word this year. One word. Not a phrase. Just a word. The idea is to study it, write it all over the house, and try to really focus on the meaning of the word all throughout the year. I love this idea and knew immediately what my word would be. . .


Joy . . . to rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate;a deep feeling or condition of happiness or contentment.

Somewhere along the way, I've lost my JOY. I desperately want to find it again. Joy is going to be my word, my focus, my journey.

Wishing you all a 2010 filled with Love, Health, Happiness and JOY!



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at Zach & Sarah's was exactly how I had imagined. Filled with craziness and lots of laughter.

We pretty much had to wake the kids up at about 7. Zach did a great job as Santa's helper. He set everything out, ate cookies, drank milk and even left some 'ashy' Santa footprints from the fireplace to the Christmas tree.

Santa definitely made a stop in Corona!

Sarah waking Cassidy up. Cute matching Mommy/Daughter Christmas 'jammies.

Cassidy going for her stocking.

Gavin on his new ride.
Cassidy thanking her Daddy. So dang sweet!


New hats for everyone.

Cassidy LOVES her workshop!

Sarah & Gavin

Mommy & Daddy showing Cassidy how the Barbie Rockstar guitar & headset work.

Sarah letting her inner ROCKSTAR shine!

Cassidy showing how it's really done.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So much has happened since I last blogged. . .

First I must admit that I am totally bothered by the fact that work gets in the way of fun -- especially at Christmastime. I didn't get in all of the fun things that I wanted to do this year. But the things that I did fit in were wonderful!

On the December 16th we celebrated Gavin's first birthday. Quiet family party -- Just Zach, Sarah, Cassidy and I. Much different that Cassidy's first birthday (with 50 guests). I promised not to tell Gavin when he gets older. I also promised Sarah that he wouldn't remember.

December 19th was Project 23 at St. Johns. It was a huge blessing and we were able to serve nearly 750 people that Saturday morning. We had 3 generations of our family serving -- very cool, huh? Rick, Ev and Lo arrived at 5:30 AM (yes, AM), Sarah followed a few minutes later (Zach, Sarah & the kids spent the night at my house -- Gav had a rough night = no sleep for the adults). After a very cool devotion and prayer, we manned our stations and were able to serve the homeless and less fortunate in our community. This was my fourth year (St. Johns 6th) volunteering for Project 23. Every year, I walk away feeling so full of love that I think I'm gonna burst! It warms my heart being able to share the joy of Jesus with others.

For the last 14 years or so, the kids and I have Christmas Eve together. It works out awesome -- I get them all for the entire evening. There's no rushing off to visit extended family members, etc. We end the evening by going to church -- which if you know me -- there is nothing I love more than sitting in church with all of 'my treasures' next to me. However, I do believe that I am going to have to supervise the seating arrangements next time we are all together (I'm not mentioning names Zach & Lo!) to ensure that we do not disrupt the rest of the church! ;o)

This year may have been the BEST Christmas Eve we've had in some time. The kids were so much fun. It was utter chaos at Grammie/Bammie's house! I loved it!

Gavin & Andrew Short

Beautiful Evie!


Ok. . is this not the funniest photo of Braydon? Totally looks like his dad in this photo.

Ricky showing the kids how to 'do it'.
Gav . . . eating -- it's what he loves to do.

Sarah and Cassidy

Love and Laughter.

My treasures!