Friday, November 20, 2009

Cassidy's 3rd Birthday

Zach & Sarah decided no big party for Cass for her 3rd birthday. An easy trip to Goofy's Kitchen for breakfast and a stroll through Downtown Disney was a much better idea!

We had a great day. Hard to believe that she's 3.

Here are a ton of pictures. . .

Tommy & Cassidy - on their way to Goofy's Kitchen!

Ya just gotta have a picture with MM.

Minnie & the kids

Goofy & Cassidy.
Cassidy was in love with all of the characters - not the least bit shy.

One of the greatest gifts in life is being able to watch your daughter be a mommy.
This is a photo of Sarah watching her precious Cassidy enjoy her visit to Goofy's Kitchen.
Cute, huh?

Zach & Gavin - hangin' out

Eatin' a little MM french toast.

I love nose pickin' photos -- I know, I'm a freak!

There is a photo like this in my camera at all time. . . Bammie, NO MORE!!!

Most of my family picture posts include something like, "the entire family was there except Zach - he was at a race in (pick a city)". I think the last photo I posted of him was from Easter.
This is HIM. I really do have a son in law!

You MUST click to enlarge this photo and look at Cass' face.

Zach & Sarah

They wanted to retrieve their pennies so they could throw them again.

Zach & Cass

Cassiday, Jasmine & Tommy

This was Cassidy's favorite gift -- a $1.00 flute!

Zach and his crew!

Friday, November 13, 2009


My heart is aching today.

Dave Chase
February 3, 1962 - November 12, 2009

Rest well my friend, rest well.

Sarah and Dave
Seattle, Wa
April 2005

Monday, November 9, 2009

Treats in the Streets 2009

Have I ever mentioned how much I L.O.V.E living in Old Towne Orange?? I love the hometown feel and the sense of community. I had a friend come to Old Towne for the first time and she likened it to "Stars Hollow" -- Gilmore Girls was/is one of my favorite shows. I keep hoping to meet 'my' Luke!

Anyway . . . Treats in the Streets is the Thursday before Halloween -- I know it's November 9th -- and I'm late in putting these photos up.

Rick, Ev & Braydon came by before heading over to see the fire trucks and then on to the Circle. Our friend Kristen and her two 'skunks' Ty and Tanner also came over and finally Sarah and the kids. At one time, in my tiny little house, I had 5 adults and 6 kids (5 kids under 3) -- HOLY CAMOLY!!! It was fun -- the noise, the craziness, the giggling and laughter -- warms my heart to the core.

The cutest skunks in town!

Ty or Tanner?

Tanner or Ty?

I love this photo - Gav's face is sooo cute! (click to enlarge)

Devil and Angel or is it Angel & Devil??

Braydon & Cassidy

Braydon, Rick & Ev

My pretty girls!

Craziness at Bammie's!

Cassidy kissin' on Ty or is that Tanner??

OH MY GOSH! Look at those sweet cheeks!

This is to showcase my sensational photographic ability. Cassidy completely chopped out
of the photo -and- only one of my subjects looking at the camera!
I should probably stick to knitting!

My sweet little devil!