Friday, July 3, 2009


Sad, devastated, heartbroken, distraught, frantic, M.A.D. . . . these are all words that describe how I felt yesterday when it was confirmed that the memory card in my digital camera was 'corrupt' and I would not be able to retrieve my photos from vacation. 

As the man in the photo store handed me back my 'corrupt' memory card, I started crying.  I'm sure he thought I was a real wacko!   

I'm going to contact a couple of photographers I know and see if they know someone that might be able to help.  Argh! 

I had some great photos to share of our trip. 


Rebecca said...

Maybe you and Lauren can sit down right away with lots of plain paper and even if you make stick figures, make your own drawings of the trip, draw the whales and the lighthouses. Do something positive -- it will make you laugh forever!!

Genn said...

Oh no!! What a bummer!! I cried about 6 months ago when I lost every picture on my computer since last July!! I back up all the time now.

SO sorry about your pics!

Kris said...

Hi Sharon! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message. Yes, indeed I do feel blessed! Three wonderful grandbabies that I get to see daily. I peek in on your blog from time to time and Sara's too.
I hope you can somehow retrieve your pics from vacation. What a horrible thing to have happen. I would cry too. I do love my photos!!! A window to my world!