Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Coronado Soccer Tournament

So. . . this Tournament took place the 1st weekend in August and I'm just getting around to posting photos.  I'm a bad Grammie and an even worse blogger!   I think about blogging quite a bit but I can't get from the thinking process to the doing process!

This is the second year that Lo's team competed in this tournament in Coronado.  I must say that I can't think of a finer place to have a Soccer Tournament.   Both fields were less than a half mile from the water (one was on the bay and the other was right next to the ocean).   Great breezes and great smells!

I took this photo from the cinderblock wall at the end of the soccer field. 

Don't you just love the smell of the ocean?

The GU 14 Orange Premier Pirates played up a league in this tournament. This year they are competing as a Silver team (hopefully to move to Silver Elite in 2011).

Their trainer/coach signed them up in the GOLD Division for this tournament.  It was tough.  The girls played incredible soccer and our Lo was awesome!  She played hard!  So very proud of her and of all the girls!

The Pirates finished SECOND OVERALL in this tournament -- a HUGE accomplishment!  We were all very, very proud.

Lo is a Defender.  She'll do whatever it takes to keep the ball from going into that goal!

Head shot.  I wasn't quick enough on the trigger to get the ball in the frame (dang it!)

 Look at her muscly legs!

 This is Lo after a tough play!  She played with a hitch in her git along for the rest of the weekend.

On the go!

LOVE the look on Lo's face in this photo.  

 Evie & Braydon (pretending to be asleep)

Braydon & Ricky waiting for the game to start. 

 My handsome young man! 

 This was our set up for the weekend.  Yes, that is my super cool Soccer Grammie chair w/ the
matching rolling ice chest.  I roll in style! 

Lo having fun w/ the girls at lunch.