Sunday, May 2, 2010

4 months? Really?

WoW! It's been four months since I blogged? How'd that happen? I know that procrastination had a lot to do with it. Sarah and I both had issues with our blogger accounts (may be because of inactivity ;0) ). It was drama to get usernames and passwords organized again.

Anyway. . .I'm back. Back to blogland. I never stopped reading blogs -- OMG -- I've found so many blogs that I absolutely love. Typically, I peruse my fav's as I'm enjoying my morning coffee.

Here some pictures from Easter. . . This year we did things a little differently. Instead of having the kids over for Easter brunch -- they came over for dinner before the Holy Saturday service at St. John's (VERY cool service by the way).

We had a great dinner (if I do say so myself). A fun Easter egg hunt and then walked to church.

All 4 grandies in the same frame -- notice I didn't say anything about looking at the camera??

Miss Cassidy on the hunt for some eggs.

Braydon sees another egg.

Gavin, Mr. Happy!

A little help from Lo.

More photos of my adorable grandchildren not looking at the camera.

2 out of 4 looking at the camera -- not bad.

3 outta 4 -- better!

Daddy and his girl.

0 of 4. I'm one heck of a photographer, huh?

3 of 4 ?