Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Out of my Funk!

At least, I think I am.  

My last post was about my camera memory card taking a dump and losing all of my vacation pictures.  I still can't think about it without getting teary. 

I even tried a couple of more times to have the card read -- no luck. 

To add insult to injury --  I now can't find the darn camera. I bought a new (and expensive) card to ensure that I wouldn't have the same problem and now I can't find the camera.   I have absolutely no idea what I did with it.   I have looked everywhere.  

 Do you think it's a sign that I should by the Nikon D-60 that I have been fantasizing about???  I've gotten on line twice and put the camera in my shopping cart and couldn't go through with it.  $600.00 right now for a new camera just doesn't seem smart. 

I do have some pretty big news.  I bought a purse.  I know, I know -- not a big deal for most of you.   For some reason, a couple of years ago, I got out of the habit of carrying a purse on a regular basis.   When I would go to the market, work, mall, church, etc. . .   I would take this. . . . 

or this. . .

and my keys and my phone.  The wallets carried everything I needed, money, credit cards, driver's license.  Really what more do you need for short trips? 

If I was with Sarah, I'd make her put my things in her purse.  

So. . . now I have a new big girl purse.  

So far, I really like it.  I actually took it to work today and the market.    I feel very grown up! 

I'm thinking about naming my purse.  Is that weird? 

I'm including a few photos from my iPhone.   It's the only camera I have [do you feel sorry for me? ;0) ]

Lauren at the Fountain in the middle of the Cape Mall Boardwalk/Mall

Breakfast in bed for my Princess. 
Lauren, Vinny and Frannie.  

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"