Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rest Well, Clara

Ricky & Sarah's Gramma passed away on May 31 st.   Clara had been ill for some time and we all feel blessed that she is at peace now. 

We celebrated Clara's life on Tuesday.  It was a very nice service.  Pastor Selz from St. John's performed the ceremony at Fairhaven.  Ricky did a great job of reading a poem, a passage from Ecclesiastes and a very sweet eulogy.   

Clara was a mom, gramma, great-gramma, wife, daughter, aunt and friend. 

She loved her children. She loved her grand children. She loved her extended family from Northern California. She loved her Malena Street family. She loved perfectly manicured nails, she loved traveling – especially cruises.   She loved to read and she loved country music except for Reba McEntire. She loved almond roca and she LOVED Christmas.   Clara was an artist, a seamstress, a crocheter and a knitter, she was a scrapbooker and a crafter long before it became popular. 

I feel honored and blessed to have had Clara in my life.   It’s no secret that we had our differences.  We disagreed often. But in the end we always knew that we loved one another. 

Clara taught me many things over the last 34 years.  I’d like to share two with you. 

She instilled in me her joy for Christmas morning.  Clara loved Christmas.  She especially loved Christmas morning and having everything just so.  I remember it being quite magical.  Tree lights on, Christmas music going, candles lit, Stockings placed perfectly – adorned with our names in gold glitter.   I tried very hard over the years to emulate that Christmas morning magic to my children and grand children.  Sarah told me once that I made Christmas magical, so I think I must have caught on.  I have had to make a slight change – no Christmas music – Ricky and Zach not fans of the Christmas music.

Clara also taught me the art of NOT being able to say “NO” to grandchildren also known as the ‘art of spoiling’.   Clara had been a Gramma for 32 years.  I’m not sure that she ever said no to one of her Grandchildren when they asked something of her.  I am 100% sure that she NEVER said no to Ricky.   I am also pretty sure she never said no when I asked her to babysit the kids.  She watched them during chicken pox, flu, colds, you name it – she nursed Sarah back to health after her stint in the ICU as a baby.  Clara’s grandchildren were the light of her life.  It’s quite evident by the hundreds of pictures that adorn the walls of her home.  

My sister in law had asked that I call an old friend of Clara's and let him know that she had passed away.  He recounted a couple of stories from the good old days.  Said that Clara was a great ‘ol gal!  He told me a story of how Clara loaned he and Betty the money to purchase their first home when they moved to California.  I loved that!  Hearing all these years later about an incredible act of kindness that Clara never mentioned to any of us.  

Finally, one of the greatest gifts that Clara gave us and a legacy that I hope she is proud of is the gift of our church, St. John’s Lutheran Church.  It was Clara that began attending St. John’s 50 some years ago. . . Today, our family continues to worship there, her children, grandchildren attended school there and now her great grandchildren attend school and Sunday school at St. Johns.  Lauren, Braydon, Cassidy and Gavin are 4th generation members of the St. John’s family.  What a gift to give . . .A place where your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can learn about the love of God through Jesus Christ.   We are blessed by Clara’s gift on a daily basis.   

Rest well, Clara.